If you’re experiencing a problem while working with Giswater, please, report it so our developers can revise and fix it, by submitting the following information and sending an e-mail to

1. Contact Information: name and e-mail address.
2. Identification of the problem: many times a screenshot is enough.
3. Detail of what happened: if the problem is reproducible, please mention the necessary steps that created it. If the problem is not reproducible (only happened once, or occasionally for no apparent reason) please describe the circumstances in which it occurred and the symptoms observed.
4. Send a screenshot of the project check report.

How to get the project report?

This report is generated by clicking the ‘Check Project’ button on the utilities toolbar (see image).

After a few seconds an extensive report for project status is generated within a dialog. Screenshot of this dialog should be sent such that (at least errors & warnings):